Some big changes to our website are coming as we update our look and content to match our new brand! Thanks for your patience while some information might be out-of-date — we hope to have our revamp done soon. If you have a question, please contact us!
Meet our premier partners
We couldn't do what we do without the support of our premier partners. 100 Gay Men for a Cause YVR works with a number of companies to support the charities that are lifting up and taking care of communities of gay and queer men in Metro Vancouver. Our premier partners do more than just provide funding for our operations, ensuring that every dollar of members' contributions goes directly to charity — our premier partners' in-kind support and volunteer power make our collective impact possible.
Corporate IT
CorporateIT has provided technological support since the planning stages, from email setup to CRM design to website advice, all pro bono — there's a lot of "behind the scenes" technology stuff that makes our work possible. Based in West Vancouver, they bring enterprise-style solutions to smaller organizations like ours. Check them out!
Key Haycock & Associates Inc.
Ken Haycock & Associates Inc. funded the early days of 100 Gay Men for a Cause until partnerships began to cover operational expenses. They continue to make payments on behalf of the organization. To learn more about the non-profit leadership and services provided by Ken Haycock & Associates Inc., check them out here.
Natahsha Priya
Natahsha Priya generously provided complimentary brand consulting and design support, including full redesigns of our logo, banners, and other print materials. A professional redesign of this scope would have been impossible for us to take on as a giving circle without her support. Check out her work here!
Steamworks Brew Pub
Steamworks Brew Pub generously provides 100 Gay Men for a Cause YVR with the use of their beautiful Uber Lounge for our quarterly events — we really couldn't do this without them. Steamworks Brew Pub is located just a few steps from Waterfront Station, at the foot of historic Gastown. Check them out here.
TD Bank Group
Our financial institution, TD Bank Group, because as one of our in-kind partners — generously providing us with our community banking account — and quickly became one of our premier partners, in no small part due to a significant donation to our capital campaign in November 2020. Check them out here.
Vancouver Foundation
The Vancouver Foundation provides the financial infrastructure for our giving, and it would be impossible for us to do do this as effectively as we do without their support. The Vancouver Foundation is a community organization that manages endowments to provide perpetual support to thousands of charities. Check them out here.